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What is the purpose?

The purpose of the Practitioner Coaching Session is:

  1. To improve the overall experience of your clients

  2. To give you, the practitioner, more confidence to fine tune your technique

What is it?

The Practitioner Coaching Session is an observed theta healing session. You, as the practitioner who will be coached, will lead a theta healing session and, once complete, receive feedback on ways your can refine and improve.

Why is it so beneficial?

During a theta healing course, your instructor will give you space to practice the techniques you are in the process of learning and refining. If you are stuck or ask a question, they are there to assist and provide input. However, during a busy course, there is not enough time for the instructor to give every student a whole hour of their time. The Practitioner Coaching Session is exactly this! By being observed whilst delivering a healing, you will receive the full attention of a Theta Healing Instructor. You will benefit from the personalised and nuanced feedback that is directly applicable to you. The coaching will cover both your theta healing technique and your appearance and abilities as a practitioner.

Is this a Theta Healing Course?

No. This is coaching session where you will receive personalised feedback and guidance on becoming a better healer. This session is not: - A course provided by THInK - A generic set of steps to follow rigidly - A test, exam or formal assessment - You will not receive any form of certifcate, the session is only for YOUR benefit

What feedback will I receive?

Coaching feedback will be given in the following areas: Healing technique – you wouldn’t be doing coaching unless you knew how to give a good healing but feedback from a fresh perspective can broaden your horizons and give you the confidence to go in a different direction when the situation arises. Overall appearance – have you considered how you appear, on screen, to your client? Have you considered your background, lightning, type of camera or microphone? Some little tips that could help you to the next level. Client interaction – how do you build rapport with a client at the start of a session? They are entrusting you, as their practitioner, with leading their session. The feedback will build greater confidence in yourself, the way you introduce theta healing as a modality and how you manage the session as a leader.

How does it work?

The Practitioner Coaching Session will be diarised for 60 minutes. The time will be used as follows:


You, as the practitioner and an experienced instructor, as the coach, will dial into the Zoom call on time. Use this time to do anything you would normally do before a client session.


Your client will dial in a minute later. Whilst greeting them making, you need only a brief reminder that someone will be observing yourself, as the practitioner and not them, as the client.


It’s then over to you to complete a 40 minute healing. This should include all aspects of the session including any energy testing at the end.

If you have not finished within 40 minutes, you may use the final 5 minutes to do any final downloads and thank the client for coming.



The session is complete and your client has left the call. You will then have 15 minutes to receive feedback from your instructor. During the feedback the three mentioned areas will be covered: healing technique, overall appearance and client interaction.

This is also the time for you to ask any questions. 

Where do I get my client from?

You must organise your own client for this Practitioner Coaching Session. To really get the most from this session, your client should be:

  • Not a theta healer (or has not done any theta healing recently)

  • Ideally has little or no previous experience of theta healing

  • Is not a closer friend or family member


This is an opportunity to explain theta healing and leading a client through the full journey / process


Remember, your fellow practitioners within the Theta Healing Practice Group and You & Your World Package may well have friends and family who would be open to receiving a healing from you.


If you can't find a suitable client, you can contact us and we will help you out where we can. 

Where can I ask more questions?

This is the first time we've moved into coaching within Theta Healing space. If there is information that has been missed from the details above, please contact us directly at


We can come back to you personally and also update the information here for others too.

Where can I book in my session?

Thank you for reading through this information. Now you understand what, where, how and why, it's time to book your session. Before you do, please remember:

  1. You need to bring your own client to the session. Focus on organising them before booking in your session.

  2. You can manifest your ideal client for this session: excited to experience a beautiful healing for the first time

  3. This is a coaching session about you. It is an opportunity to become a better healer and build your self-confidence further.

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