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Master your mindset, master your life & create your destiny!


Do you feel a bit stuck sometimes?

Do you simply know that there is more to life and you want to discover what that is for you?

Do you want to learn how to be in tune with life and be guided by your gut feeling to make faster and better decisions?


If so, this is the package for you! Here is an invite to try something new that can make a real change in your life.

Our life is influenced by our belief system on a conscious and subconscious level. When we understand how our belief system works and how we can change our beliefs, we can change our life and create the future we want. 

During this journey you will discover how the mind works; how to access the subconscious mind and change any beliefs you may hold that stop you from moving forward. You will learn how to create your desired work life balance and  how to really trust your intuition.


This will give you valuable insights on how to move from success to fulfilment and enjoy life to the fullest. 

Discover which beliefs may prevent you from your desired life.
Learn how to change beliefs to unlock the key to your personal and professional success.

Enrol for this package if you are new to theta healing.

Upgrade if you have completed the basic course already.


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Basic Course - Online

This introductory course is for anybody wanting to learn the fundamentals of how to engage with the subconscious mind and who wants to discover what else in the universe is influencing our decision making.

This is a self development technique that strongly supports positive life transformation. During this course, you will learn how beliefs are created in the subconscious mind and the techniques required to access the theta brainwave, giving you the ability to change subconscious beliefs and deeply held patterns in your life to create more joy, happiness, success and fulfilment. 

3 day online course

Already complete the Basic Course?


Advanced Course - Online

The Advanced course builds on the foundation of the first course. You gain greater awareness of the influences on your subconscious mind. Through an innovative approach you will create the opportunity to strengthen your intuition for better decision making and your desired work/life balance.

You may or may not be able to see, feel or sense the energy at the moment. By understanding how our subconscious connects to the world around us, you will uncover the sources of your own intuition. Enabling you to strengthen it and for it to become a reliable and trustworthy influencer in your decision-making process.

Improve your abilities to receive different perspectives that bring you insights and play to your advantage in life and business.

3 day online course

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Dig Deeper Course - Online

The Dig Deeper Course will take your ThetaHealing skills to the next level through extensive practise of using the theta brainwave. This is combined with learning eight different digging techniques to identify the deepest limiting beliefs in your subconscious, allowing you to unlock your true potential.

Did you know that the fear of success is often bigger than the fear of failure. That is a reason why many people subconsciously rather fail than succeed. Quite contradicting isn't it?

In this course you learn how to clear any fear for both success and failure, so your mindset is setup for success.

2 Day online course

You & The Creator - Online

The final foundation level course is focussed on improving the clarity of messages you receive.

You learn about the undercurrent of your subconscious mind. How the undercurrent is influencing your life and tries to solve problems that are occurring. It is powerful to become aware of this and during this course we teach you how to re-guide your subconscious to work for you.

Through better understanding of how to communicate with the universe, you will rapidly increase the speed you receive messages and become a more effective healer.

2 day online course

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Private Session with Susie

Would you like to

Discover your purpose and accelerate your own path to success and fulfilment?

Explore your unlimited potential. Break bad habits and increase confidence in yourself and your abilities?

Create abundance and strengthen your financial situation?

In the session with Susie you can decide what you like to change in your life and she will help you to move in alignment with your desired path, break bad habits and and achieve breakthroughs!

What Others SAY about
Theta Healing  

“The course brings a shift in reality to move forward to what you want in life.”

"You will only understand the power of this course when you do it. I encourage anyone to try it, because you are going to get more out of it than you have invested."

"I have been doing self development for a long time, but there was something missing. With the theta course, I got to the deeply routed subconscious belief system. There were many beliefs I was holding in place that I did not even know where holding me back."

“I am someone with a business background and this was new to me. During the course you get connected on a much deeper level to yourself. It is the most natural thing that you can find within yourself. ”

"It was an amazing experience and much better than I thought."

"It opened up a lot of new doors in my head. It gave me a new perspective on things and that is what I was really looking for"

Absolutely anyone can do this!


You will get most out of this courses if you are open to new ideas, embrace the opportunity to challenge yourself and are willing to engage with meditative and spiritual theory. Being enthused by the opportunity to make positive changes in your life sets you up for real transformation.

You can choose the course dates that suit you. Courses to be taken within 12 months from purchase with courses planned throughout 2022.

There are no prerequisites for this package

 The courses are about 70% practical. 

By completing this package, you will become a ThetaHealing Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper and You & The Creator practitioner and you will receive a theta healing certificate for each course.

Enrol Now

Payment Plan


6 instalments

The Life Transformation Package includes:

 All the Theta Healing foundation courses to transform your life:

1. Theta Healing Basic course - £440

2. Theta Healing Advanced course - £440

3. Theta Healing Dig Deeper course - £440

4. Theta Healing You & The Creator course - £440


Ongoing support to master the theta healing technique through:

5. 45 min Private Theta Healing session with Susie £305 

6. Life Transformation Support Group

All courses are provided live online from either 9:30am -4pm or 12:30pm-7pm UK time.

Investment for your life transformational journey £1,655 or a 6 months payment plan of £287 per month. Other payment plans available upon request.

Single Payment

Payment Plan


Full Package


All courses will be given multiple times per year. Please see course calendar for all available dates.

Theta Healing Basic Course

1 - 3 November 2024
9:30am - 4:00pm GMT (UK Time)

Live Online

with Susie Valentine

Theta Healing Dig Deeper

11 - 12 January 2025
12:30pm - 7:00pm GMT (UK Time)

Live Online

with Susie Valentine

Theta Healing Advanced Course

13 - 15 December 2024
12:30pm - 7:00pm BST (UK Time)

Live Online

with Susie Valentine & Lola Plachy

You & The Creator

25 - 26 January 2025
12:30pm - 7:00pm GMT (UK Time)

Live Online

with Susie Valentine

Already complete the Basic Course?

Upgrade to the


Upgrade Now

Payment Plan


5 instalments

Complete the Theta Healing foundation courses including:

1. Theta Healing Advanced course - £440

2. Theta Healing Dig Deeper course - £440

3. Theta Healing You & The Creator course - £440


Ongoing support to master the theta healing technique through:

4. 45 min Private Theta Healing session with Susie £305 

5. Life Transformation Support Group

All courses are provided live online from either 9:30am -4pm or 12:30pm-7pm UK time.

Single Payment

Payment Plan

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