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Take ownership of the world around you with this powerful package of courses accompanied by some very special, and exclusive extras.

This package is designed for theta healers with Foundational knowledge and skills. It will guide them through the essential Intermediate level courses to completing their first Mastery course: DNA3.

Grow towards your highest potential by stepping beyond success and understand what will truly fulfil you. 

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You & Your Inner Circle



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World Relations



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You &
The Earth



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Exciting Extras

“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”
Jim Rohn

You & Your Inner Circle

Intermediate Theta Healing Course

We share our lived experience with other people. We write our memories alongside other people. We set our aspirations against the achievements of other people. We laugh, we cry, we love, we live our lives with other people.


So it should be no surprise that who you choose those other people to be has a huge impact on YOU.


You can easily enjoy a fulfilled life when living alongside souls of a similar consciousness. Reflect back on how much you’ve grown by learning from your teachers and mentors. Set your own intentions for the future with people whose intentions you aspire to replicate.


Create an inner circle that truly reflects who you aspire to be and do not settle with who you happen to be today.

2 day online course

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World Relations

Intermediate Theta Healing Course

World Relations is a powerful course to clear ancestral prejudice, hatred, fear and anxiety. Clearing these beliefs will unlock more abundance, self worth and supports you to create more beautiful relationships.

Why do you want to do this course?

We are often not aware of hidden beliefs that are in our genetic line. Discover and clear resentment and hatred in your ancestral line that you might have been carrying for centuries. These subconscious blockages can stop you from attracting new clients, creating a thriving business and your desired life.

5 day online course

You & The Earth

Intermediate Theta Healing Course

As humans, we are all connected to our planet and during the You & The Earth course, you will learn the different ways we are connected and just how important that connection really is.

Would you like to help save the planet by projecting positive thought forms?

During this course you will learn how to hear the cycles of the Earth, hear the sounds of the water, how Schumann waves transmute energy via lightning and the differences between levels of vibration and frequency.

2 day course live in person in London. We use tools to measure the size of your aura and align your heartbeat to the heart beat of the world

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Mastery Theta Healing Course

​This course is for theta healing practitioners who feel intuitively drawn to this class. You might not know why, but something within your is curious and wants to discover more.

  • Live in seventh plane knowingness

  • Significantly advance your Intuitive Abilities!

  • Learn how to make the impossible possible


In this class, it becomes clear how we all create our own reality. In learning how to step out of your own paradigm and move beyond your story, you will unveil the illusion of the 3rd plane.


By shifting your paradigm, you increase your vibration and gain a new perspective on the world. Your inner circle might change and evolve, you connect with your soul family and get ready to step into your life purpose.


This class provides hands on exercises. You learn about how to help shift the world around us.

5 day online course

Group Coaching

90 minute Group Coaching Session

This package is all about finding your place in the world. Get clarity on why are you here. You will resolve many energetic blockages to activate and understand your unique gifts better.


This group coaching will be focussed on identifying your life purpose, so you get more clarity on what you want and what you are going to contribute.


We’ve included group coaching for you to develop that network of other practitioners, colleagues, aligned souls and confidants away from your clients and the external judgement of others who have not yet reached this place along their path.


We are all on a journey and learning with others of similar consciousness can accelerate the growth of all involved. Find you accountability partner(s) to keep you on track and work together to take the next steps.


​90 minutes online group coaching

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Discover your Ancestry

DNA Testing Kit

During the World Relations Course you will clear many limiting beliefs at the historic and genetic level. To enhance this process and quickly allow you to hone into areas needing the most work, this DNA Testing Kit will connect you to the places in the world where your story started. It will provide clear-cut historical insights and rich geographic details of your ancestry.

Using a simple salvia swab done from the comfort of your own home, you simply send off the sample in the pre-paid envelope and then wait for your results.


Kits will be sent to you as soon as you sign up for the package and have confirmed your address. Please note, it can take about 2 months for the DNA result to be provided

Practitioner Coaching

1hr Private Session

There is more to delivering outstanding client satisfaction than simply making the commands to the Creator. During this Practitioner Coaching Session, you will be observed whilst delivering a healing session to a client or other practitioner.


This new perspective will enable you to hone both your theta technique and your abilities as a practitioner.


This powerful feedback loop will build your self-confidence and give you practical and personalised steps to make you an even better healer and let your sessions run smoother.


40 minute observed healing

20 minute feedback session

Bring your own client for the session

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People grow in two ways:
through pain or by inspiration.
Which do you choose?

When you feel that this package will let you grow through inspiration, I would love to invite you to join me on this journey. 

I am looking forward to serving you in your growth and by discovering the internal and external world that lead to a better version of who you are. 

with Love, 


Who is the 'You & Your World' Package for?


To attend the courses in this package, you must have completed all of the following ThetaHealing® Courses:

  • Basic Course

  • Advanced Course

  • Dig Deeper

  • You & The Creator

This package is ideal a theta healer with Foundational knowledge and skills. It will guide them through the essential Intermediate level courses to completing their first Mastery course: DNA3.

Courses should be taken within 24 months of starting the plan with forthcoming course dates outlined below.

The courses are about 70% practical.

You will receive an individual certificate for each of the four courses as you become a certified practitioner.

Enrol Now


Payment Plan

£287 pcm
8 instalments

The You & Your World Package includes:

 All the Theta Healing foundation courses to transform your life:

1. Theta Healing You & Your Inner Circle Course

2. Theta Healing You & The Earth Course*

3. Theta Healing World Relations course

4. Theta Healing DNA3 course

Additional content available through this package only:

5. 1 hr Practitioner Coaching Session 

6. 1 hr Group Coaching Session

7. Discover your Ancestry DNA Testing Kit

You & The Earth must be attended live in person and will be held in the UK. All other courses will be provided live online 12:30 - 19:00 UK time.

Single Payment


Payment Plan

£287 pcm
8 instalments



You & Your Inner Circle

16 - 17 November 2024
12:30pm - 7:00pm GMT (UK Time)


12 - 16 February 2025
9:30 - 4:00 GMT (UK Time)

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