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This package is designed for theta healers who have completed the first three Foundation courses. Each of these courses are at an Intermediate level with the opportunity to develop your theta healing technique whilst strengthening your relationships.

Grow towards your highest potential by stepping beyond success and understand what will truly fulfil you. 

This package includes 2 of the following:

TH Soul Mates
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Soul Mates
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You & Your Significant Other
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Manifesting &

and both:

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Private Session with Susie
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Rhythm to a Perfect Weight

“When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are”
Donald Miller

Soul Mates Course

Intermediate Theta Healing Course

This course explores what we mean by a 'soul mate'. We have multiple soul mates on this earth and you will learn how to recognise them as we know them from another place and time.

You will get to know about the different types of soul mates. How to attract the most compatible divine life partner and forge the union into a beautiful relationship.

By clearing your own limiting beliefs and becoming the best person you can be, it is much more likely that your soul mate will match that heightened level of consciousness.

2 day online course

TH Soul Mates

You & Your Significant Other

Intermediate Theta Healing Course

Take your relationships to the next level by learning how to breathe life into your relationships, rekindling the spark of attraction and fill them with passion and energy.

This course is not just about relationships with others. It is also about the relationship with the most important person in your life, which is YOU!

Learn how to receive and accept love from someone else. Letting others love you, starts with opening that door to love yourself for who you are.

2 day online course

Manifesting & Abundance

Intermediate Theta Healing Course

Manifesting is the way we share our dreams and desires with the universe, so they can be brought into reality. During this course you'll discover the the most effective ways to manifest, keeping your subconscious focused on what you aspire to have, do or be.

Learn how your environment impacts your ability to manifest and refine your manifestation digging technique.

We will also discuss what it truly means to live a life of abundance. By clearing limiting beliefs, we can remove the blocks which are preventing you from reaching your full potential.

2 day online course

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Rhythm to a Perfect Weight

Intermediate Theta Healing Course

Feel happy in your own body and get yourself to the weight that feels perfect to you. We focus on finding the rhythm for your mind, body and spirit to align. Whilst at the same time loving yourself for who you are. Yes, this is all possible! 

It is irrelevant what weight you are. Your beliefs about your weight will determine how you feel. That is why we focus on changing deep routed beliefs that hold you back from feeling unhappy about your body and yourself. 

By using the theta brainwave to reprogrammed subconscious beliefs, it becomes much easier for you to bring this into your reality. 


1 day online course


Private Session with Susie

45 minute Theta Healing Session

By taking a Private Theta Healing Session with Susie, you will clear limiting beliefs about a problem or challenge you are facing.

Alternatively, Susie can help you to supercharge your manifestations to bring this into reality faster and with more ease.

This is YOUR time to focus on what is most important to you.

Private Sessions are 45 minutes and normally priced £305 each or £1250 for a package of 5.

45m Private Session

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"Beautiful relationships create a beautiful life"
Susie Valentine

Take the action to set yourself up for experiencing the most beautiful relationships. Resolve subconscious beliefs and leverage the manifesting tools to create the relationships that your heart desires. 

When you feel that this package will let you grow and move your life to the next level, I would love to invite you to join me on this journey. 

I am looking forward to serving you on your path to become an even better version of who you already are. 

with love,


Who is the 'You & Your Relationship' Package for?


To attend the courses in this package, you must have completed the following ThetaHealing® Courses:

  • Basic Course

  • Advanced Course

  • Dig Deeper


And we recommend having completed:​

  • You & The Creator

This package is an ideal next step upon completion of the Life Transformation Pacakge.

This package is designed for theta healers who have completed the first three Foundation courses. Each of these courses are at an Intermediate level with the opportunity to develop your theta healing technique whilst strengthening your relationships.

Courses should be taken within 24 months of starting the plan with forthcoming course dates outlined below.

The courses are about 70% practical.

You will receive an individual certificate for each of the four courses as you become a certified practitioner.

Enrol Now


Payment Plan

£350 pcm
3 instalments

The You & Your Relationship Package includes:

Your choice of two of the following three 2-day courses:

1. Theta Healing Soul Mates Course

2. Theta Healing You & Your Significant Other Course

3. Theta Healing Manifesting & Abundance Course


4. Theta Healing Rhythm to a Perfect Weight Course

5. 45 minute Private Theta Healing Session with Susie

Single Payment


Payment Plan

£350 pcm
3 instalments



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