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An innovative concept to share the experience of theta healing with a wider audience to
raise the vibration of the earth.

We recognise that practising the theta healing modality helps to raise the consciousness of the people involved.

We understand that there are many ways to reach a wider audience to invite them to experience theta healing.

We know that many theta healers are visibly working very hard to inspire potential clients to make a change in their lives.

So what is new and innovative about The Open House Theta Healing Experience?

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A blocker for a lot of people is that doing something alone for the first time can be daunting.

Yet when there is an opportunity to try something new in a group environment, the feeling of safety in numbers empowers us to have the confidence to give it a try. 

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A problem we have witnessed is that many people do not seek out spirituality or healing until the challenges in their own life become too much to handle. Only when they are overwhelmed are they are willing to go beyond the limiting beliefs of the collective consciousness.

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Yet embracing spirituality and engaging with the subconscious mind can bring huge benefits to people right now, without having to wait for the challenges to mount up and the situation to deteriorate.

Theta healing can be part of continuous personal development and growth, not just for fixing problems when it all gets too much.

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Together, we overcome these problems, reach a wider audience and raise the vibration of the earth.

By becoming a Featured Theta Healer you will:

  • Have the opportunity to give private sessions to Guests interested in theta healing during the Open House

  • Have time to build a relationship with them and share what healing services you provide

  • Have the opportunity to lead your first theta healing session with a private, non-theta-trained, client

  • Have the peace of mind to know that there are Theta Healing Instructors who can assist you, just in case

  • Have increased visibility with promotion and marketing support provided by From Head to Heart

  • Will receive a specially designed training session ahead of the first Open House

  • Have the support of From Head to Heart administration, meaning you can focus on the healing work

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Applications for this autumns Open House Experience have now closed. Keep an eye out for further events in Spring 2023.

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Minimum requirements:


Remember: if successfully selected, there an investment is required to commit to taking up the place.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask at any time by emailing

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